Audiological diagnostic services with latest diagnostic tools
Serves the purpose of identification of type and degree of hearing loss the child suffers.
An extensive setup for the diagnosis of hearing loss, and a devoted team of audiologists ensure the precision of all the tests we perform. Following below is the list of all tests which are conducted:
- Pure Tone Audiometry
- Free Field Audiometry
- Behavioural Observational Audiometry
- Oto Acoustic Emissions
- Impedance Audiometry
- Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry
- Auditory Steady State Response
In India, only a frugal number of physicians routinely screen for hearing loss. The notion persists that a young kid, born to hearing parents cannot suffer from hearing loss. Whereas, a study proves that over 90% of deaf kids are born to hearing parents. Getting your child’s hearing tested is essential and recommended.
PURE TONE AUDIOMETRY is a behavioural test which asserts the hearing threshold level of an individual, and determines the degree, type and configuration of hearing loss.
BEHAVIOURAL OBSERVATIONAL AUDIOMETRY is a test used to observe hearing behaviour of infants who are less than 6 months of age or who are developmentally unable to turn their head towards the sound. An audiologist, who is trained to identify bodily reactions to sound like eye widening, eye opening or any other body movements, conducts this test. Additional testing is often necessary to supplement BOA.
OTOACOUSTIC EMISSIONS test measures the functioning of outer hair cells in cochlea. A probe tip is inserted into the ear canal and sounds are sent through the tip into the ear. When the sound reaches the ear, the outer hair cells respond to it, which gets measured by the sensitive microphone in the probe tip. This response is called the Otoacoustic Emission. Presence of OAE means that the hearing is near-normal.
- TRANSIENT EVOKED OTOACOUSTIC EMISSIONS is a really quick test of the outer hair cells of cochlea. The test can be performed on people belonging to all age groups.
- DISTORTION PRODUCT OTOACOUSTIC EMISSIONS: While the Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions are measured between and after the click presentations, Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions are recorded during it.
IMPEDANCE AUDIOMETRY, also known as Tympanometry or Acoustic Immittance Test, is executed to determine the state of the tympanic membrane and the middle ear. It is a very quick test. An earphone is inserted into the child’s ear which records the status of your his eardrum and the middle ear to help identify the conditions such as fluid in the middle ear.
BRAINSTEM EVOKED RESPONSE AUDIOMETRY is conducted to measure the brain wave activity which occurs in response to clicks or certain tones. Similar to the screening test, but much more sensitive, it provides greater diagnostic information. The test is done to diagnose hearing loss and is usually performed on people who cannot do other hearing tests, like infants and children with multiple disabilities.