Blooming buds into flowers

Hearing Matters

Reading, to infants and children with hearing impairment, is widely recognised as the single activity of prime importance that builds listening and speaking skills in them.

At Asha Kiran Speech and Language Habilitation Center, The habilitation therapies, even for our littlest babies, incorporate 'Reading' as a vital and ongoing activity ~ A precursor to developing invaluable language skills as they grow.

Even before they can talk, toddlers simulate language and cognitive skills. When stories are read and re-read to little ones with Auditory impairment, they recognise sounds and rhythms as they gleefully react to colourful pictures and shapes in books.

Reading activities (reading aloud and individualised reading in particular) constitute an important part of literacy preparation among preschool children with hearing impairment who undergo auditory verbal therapies. It fosters Bilingualism as it benefits children from a variety of language and cultural backgrounds. Clearly, developing early language and communication skills is distinctly associated with their success in school and beyond.

Our library at the Asha Kiran Speech and Language Habilitation Centre comprises of a vast range of fiction and informational 'big books' with enlarged print and illustrations for children of all ages. Reading is and shall always remain the most effective medium for children to discover the power of speech as means to express and communicate and their love of language.