Blooming buds into flowers


What is hearing loss? What causes it? 

Hearing loss refers to the inability to hear things, either totally or partially. It is simplified into four categories: mild, moderate, severe and profound.

Soft sounds may go unnoticed by a person suffering from Mild hearing loss. A hearing aid is usually not required. A person facing Moderate hearing loss may not be able to hear soft and moderately loud sounds. It also gets difficult to understand speech if there is noise in the background. In the case of severe and profound hearing loss, the degree of loss is 70% or more than that. The person suffering from these faces difficulty in hearing and understanding, even with amplification. 

Exposure to loud noise, head trauma, autoimmune inner ear disease, ear infections and aging are some common causes of hearing loss. 


What is a hearing aid? 

A hearing aid is an electro-acoustic communication device, which fits on the ear and helps the person wearing it to listen better. Our experts recommend the best ones, to suit your preferences. The most common hearing aids are: 

Behind The Ear (BTE)

Housed in a small curved case which fits discreetly behind the ear, these hearing aids are connected via a clear thin tube to an ear mould which is designed to take the shape of your ear, to ensure a perfect fit. 

In The Canal (ITC)

These hearing aids are smaller and more aesthetically appealing. They are moulded to your ear and fit into the bottom half of the external ear. 

Completely In The Canal (CIC)

CICs are designed to fit deep inside the ear canal, thus making it practically invisible. However, some people have really small ear canals; therefore, accommodating this device in their ear is not possible. 

Open Fit

This hearing aid looks a lot like the Mini BTE aid. Instead of travelling through a plastic tube into the ear, sound travels through a thin wire, to a receiver inside the ear canal. 


What are some common symptoms of hearing loss?

You might have hearing loss if... 

  • You face difficulty in distinguishing between the sound of S and F.
  • You often have to ask people to repeat what they said.
  • It is difficult for you to make a conversation on the phone because you can’t hear what the person on the other end is saying. But this may happen due to a bad network connection too, so don’t panic. 
  • Lip reading seems more convenient to you than listening.
  • You have your TV turned up to a higher volume. 
  • You face more difficulty in following conversation in noisy environment


What is a Cochlear Implant System? 

A Cochlear Implant is an electronic device, designed to provide enhanced sound perception and the potential for greater speech understanding for children and adults with significant hearing loss. It works by bypassing the damage of missing hair cells in the cochlea and stimulating the hearing nerve directly. 


Will my kid be able to attend a normal school after getting his/her implant?

Definitely! Our work does not just end when the kid receives his/her implant. We also take the responsibility to prepare you for your kid’s aftercare. Until we’re sure that the kids aren’t ready to step out into to the real world, we consider our job incomplete. Once through with the speech therapy and all the essential courses, your child becomes all set to own the world.  


What are some common causes of hearing loss in young children? 

The list comprises of reasons which are unimaginable for laymen. After all, human body is a really complex thing in itself. A few of them are: 

  • Obesity
  • Ototoxicity
  • Viral infections
  • High fever
  • Abnormal growths or tumors
  • Dislocation of the ossicles 
  • Exposure to loud noise
  • Otosclerosis
  • Infections in the ear canal
  • Scarring of the ear drum
  • Excessive use of ear-phones